Sunday 19 July 2015

Messed-up mind

Right now at this particular moment, 'dream big' or 'future pondering' doesn't apply to me anymore or am I the problem here because I don't dare to take risks anymore. Whatever I plan doesn't seem to fall into place or wait, i don't think I have ever planned anything lately because I just tend to go with the flow because everyone else seems better at planning than I do. So why would I ever interfere with their great plannings? Who am I to mess with their plannings? What the heck am I talking about? What plannings? 

My future plannings that is. Both long and short terms. Long plannings tu serahkan kat Allah je la memang I won't know what is ahead of me and I do pray for the best. Ya Allah please give the best for me, amiin. Short plannings ni bengang sikit. Nak buat benda banyak je benda tak jadi. Nak pergi sini sana pun tak jadi ke postpone ke. Memang la aku ni pun pemalas tapi bila dah tiba-tiba rajin tu pastu mood spoil lagi la terus merudum semangat tu. Pastu urghhh rasa macam banyak je dosa ni sebab tu tak tenang kot. Dah tau salah pun still buat dosa. Haih. Ni lah manusia memang tak lari dari buat dosa ni. Tak malu ke nak mintak taubat banyak kali pastu buat lagi. What the heck man. Saya pendosa sejati. Fullstop. Pray for ME.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Semester TWO

Semester Two.
A new journey has began.
People started to notice me more often.
I felt more appreciated.
Fights were even more clarified and occurred frequently.
I understood my standings and what I should do.
I learned how to control and react to certain situations wisely.
Learn from mistakes.
Sometimes it is best to become a wallflower.