Sunday 5 August 2012

All-Time Favourite Olympic Event

Ughhhhhh, so you see. I seriously can't get this thing out of my mind still. Hisyyy, why lah?


At this stage, it's not the matter of who's more capable of. 
It the matter of who did the most mistakes..

Yes, memang tak ada kerja sekarang.
Esok tuition at 9, memang cari pasal nak mengantuklahkan untuk esok.

But seriously, this is the only time for me to do my work / update my blog in peace.

Sudah, sudahlah tu pergi tidur. You got less than hour to sleep. Nanti nak sahur..

-End of Last post of LeeChongWeiLinDan-

Rivals On The Go

Victory might not be on our side..

Datuk Lee Chong Wei, regret of his last smash.

but it's on this guy's..

Hyperactive Lin Dan after the game.

and those with the RED jerseys again :(

Poor racket -.-

Hmm, what to do? 

The cheers just now. Couldn't say they are racist cuz all of them are Chinese @_@

So they're countrist ^__^

Sad, sad imma sad girl D':